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How to Copy Automation in Ableton

Save time by copying automation in Ableton. Learn how to transfer automation data to different tracks or parameters with simple steps.

Copied automation in Ableton

In Ableton, you can copy automation by selecting the desired automation curve and pasting it into another track or parameter.

Here's a quick breakdown of the steps.

1. Enable Automation Mode

Press A on your keyboard or click the "Automation Mode" button to enable automation mode in Ableton.

The 'Automation Mode' button

2. Select the Automation Lane

Click on the parameter you want to copy automation from. This will highlight the automation lane for that parameter.

3. Select the Automation Data

Click and drag to select the portion of the automation curve you want to copy. You can also use the Ctrl + A (Windows) or Cmd + A (Mac) shortcut to select all automation data in the lane.

4. Copy the Automation Data

Press Ctrl + C (Windows) or Cmd + C (Mac) to copy the selected automation data.

5. Choose the Destination Parameter or Track

Select the track or parameter where you want to paste the copied automation. Ensure the automation lane for the destination parameter is visible.

6. Paste the Automation Data

Click on the destination automation lane and press Ctrl + V (Windows) or Cmd + V (Mac) to paste the copied automation data.

7. Fine-Tune the Pasted Automation

Adjust the pasted automation curve as needed by clicking and dragging the breakpoints to fit the desired effect.


Can I copy automation from one track to another?

Yes, you can copy automation from one track to another by following the steps outlined above.

Can I copy multiple automation lanes at once?

No, you need to copy each automation lane individually. Select and copy one automation lane at a time.

Why is my pasted automation not appearing?

Ensure you have selected the correct destination parameter or track before pasting. Also, make sure the automation mode is enabled.

Can I copy automation between different types of parameters?

Yes, you can copy automation between different types of parameters, but the effect might differ depending on the parameter's function.

How do I copy automation within the same track?

Follow the same steps to copy and paste automation within the same track. You can paste the copied automation data to a different point in the timeline or to a different parameter on the same track.

How do I delete copied automation?

To delete copied automation, click on the automation lane and press Delete or right-click and select "Clear Envelope" to remove the automation data.

Can I use keyboard shortcuts to simplify the process?

Yes, using keyboard shortcuts like Ctrl + C (Windows) / Cmd + C (Mac) for copying and Ctrl + V (Windows) / Cmd + V (Mac) for pasting can streamline the automation copying process.

Will Homden profile image Will Homden
Sampling nerd with a passion for the intersection of music and data.