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How to Share Ableton Projects

Share your Ableton Live projects by saving all required files in one folder. Learn how to prepare, compress, and transfer your projects for collaboration or backup.

Save and share an Ableton project

Ableton Live allows you to share your projects by collecting all necessary files and saving them into a single folder, making it easier to transfer projects between computers or collaborators.

What's Involved in Project Sharing?

Project sharing involves gathering all the audio files, samples, and other resources used in a project and saving them into a single, organized folder.

This ensures that all necessary files are included when transferring the project to another user or device.

For example, you might share a project with a collaborator for remote work or back up your project for future use.

How to Share Ableton Projects

1. Save Your Project

  1. Go to File > Save Live Set As... and save your project to a desired location. This creates a project folder containing your Ableton Live Set (.als) file.

2. Collect All and Save

  1. Go to File > Collect All and Save.
  2. In the dialog that appears, check all the options to ensure all external files, like samples from the library, user library, and other locations, are included.
  3. Click OK to collect and save all files into the project folder.

3. Compress the Project Folder

  1. Locate the project folder on your computer.
  2. Right-click the folder and choose Compress (Mac) or Send to > Compressed (zipped) folder (Windows). This creates a .zip file that contains all the project files.

4. Share the Project Folder

  1. You can now share the .zip file via email, file-sharing services like Dropbox, Google Drive, or any other method you prefer.
  2. Ensure the recipient extracts the .zip file to a location on their computer to access the project.


What if my project uses third-party plugins?

Ensure that the recipient has the same third-party plugins installed. If not, consider bouncing tracks to audio to preserve the sound.

How do I ensure all my samples are included?

By using the Collect All and Save function, Ableton gathers all the samples and files used in your project into the project folder.

Can I share a project with someone using a different version of Ableton?

Projects created in newer versions of Ableton might not be compatible with older versions. Ensure both users have compatible versions of Ableton Live.

What if my project is too large to email?

Use a file-sharing service like Dropbox, Google Drive, or WeTransfer to share large project files.

How do I open a shared project?

Extract the .zip file to a location on your computer, then open the .als file in Ableton Live.

Can I share projects with Ableton Live Lite users?

Yes, but ensure that the project does not use features or tracks exceeding the limitations of the Lite version.

What is the difference between "Save Live Set" and "Collect All and Save"?

"Save Live Set" saves the current state of your project, while "Collect All and Save" gathers all external files and samples into the project folder for easy sharing.

How do I handle missing files when opening a shared project?

If files are missing, use Ableton's File Manager to locate and relink the missing files. Ensure the project was saved using Collect All and Save to avoid missing files.

Can I share projects between Windows and Mac?

Yes, Ableton Live projects are cross-platform compatible. Just ensure all files and plugins are available on both systems.

Will Homden profile image Will Homden
Sampling nerd with a passion for the intersection of music and data.